Hi there, my name is Lisa Flynn.

     Stories have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and reading was one way I could satisfy my intense curiosity and desire to learn.  I loved books and still do, though as a child I discovered that stories come in many forms. I can still remember pouring over my grandfather’s heavy photography volumes of World War II. In those photographs I also saw stories, just ones without any words.

      I think the best stories can make us both feel, and think. They can help us find meaning, experience the world in new ways and make sense of those experiences. The heroes of stories can be found everywhere, very often living ordinary lives. We can discover them in books, documentaries, photo journalism, film and the news. I love imagining the story behind the facts, and the way story telling can illuminate different lives and raise our consciousness that perhaps we share more than we realize.

     A tension exists between my desire to describe reality and human character with all of our frailties, and at the same time explore the potential for great beauty and the nobility of every human soul. Weakness and strength lives in all of us and I am constantly searching for the words to explore the relationship between spirit and matter.

     I am a Baha’i and am inspired by the Teachings of the Baha’i Faith in my life and in my writing. Reality, both spiritual and material is so vast and full of possibilities that it would be impossible to attempt to define it in art. And yet spiritual forces act on us, influence our understanding and can illuminate reality in much the same way as science helps us discover truths in material reality. In that sense, I think poetry, film, photography, painting and writing can help us explore this relationship, our identity as human beings and our relationship with God. Art can raise consciousness and reflect what a culture and society values as much as what it ignores. Ideas can begin revolutions and stories can be a way to inspire, uplift and be a voice for justice.

     I write because I love to. The little collection of poetry and writing on this website are my own observations and reflections on how I see the world. Naturally, they will evolve and change as I continue to learn and grow.  If any of them make you think or see something new then what more could any writer hope for?

     Hi there, my name is Lisa Flynn.

     Stories have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and reading was one way I could satisfy my intense curiosity and desire to learn.  I loved books and still do, though as a child I discovered that stories come in many forms. I can still remember pouring over my grandfather’s heavy photography volumes of World War II. In those photographs I also saw stories, just ones without any words.

      I think the best stories can make us both feel, and think. They can help us find meaning, experience the world in new ways and make sense of those experiences. The heroes of stories can be found everywhere, very often living ordinary lives. We can discover them in books, documentaries, photo journalism, film and the news. I love imagining the story behind the facts, and the way story telling can illuminate different lives and raise our consciousness that humanity is one.

     A tension exists between my desire to describe reality and human character with all of our frailties, and at the same time explore the potential for great beauty and the nobility of every human soul. Weakness and strength lives in all of us and I am constantly searching for the words to explore the relationship between spirit and matter.

     I am a Baha’i and am inspired by the Teachings of the Baha’i Faith in my life and in my writing. Reality, both spiritual and material, is so vast and full of possibilities that it would be impossible to attempt to define it in art. And yet spiritual forces act on us, influence our understanding and can illuminate reality in much the same way as science helps us discover truths in material reality. In that sense, I think poetry, film, photography, painting and writing can help us explore this relationship, our identity as human beings and our relationship with God. Art can raise consciousness and reflect what a culture and society values as much as what it ignores. Ideas can begin revolutions and stories can be a way to inspire, uplift and be a voice for justice.

     I write because I love to. The little collection of poetry and writing on this website are my own observations and reflections on how I see the world. Naturally, they will evolve and change as I continue to learn and grow.  If any of them make you think or see something new then what more could any writer hope for?

Hi there, my name is Lisa Flynn. Stories have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a home with many books,  was lucky to have parents who read to us and I loved reading from a very young age. I loved books in general, and can remember pouring over my grandfather’s large, heavy photography volumes about World War I and II. Reading stories was one way I could satisfy my intense curiosity and desire to learn. Reading opened up new worlds and welcomed me into the intimate lives of characters as they found their way through love, anger, grief, joy, loss, victory, celebration and moments of profound insight. I learned about sorrow, happiness, innocence, apathy, torment, kindness, justice, forbearance, nobility, frailty, compassion and the vast potential of the human character. There are fields of philosophy and science devoted to understanding why we tell stories and the role they have in culture and society. Long before the printing press, stories were spoken. I sometimes imagine what it would have been like to gather as a community, and listen to the story tellers. I think about the countless places and moments throughout history where this has happened; beginning with caves, ancient indigenous homes, under trees, around kitchen tables, in castles, villages, cities, by firelight and candlelight, under falling snow, rain, and the summer sun. I think the best stories are the ones that make us both feel, and think. Stories that touch the deepest parts of who we are, and introduce new ideas, or revolutionize human thought. They can help us find meaning, experience the world and make sense of those experiences. Heroes of stories can be discovered everywhere, very often living ordinary lives.  We can see ourselves in them and relate to their hopes, dreams, fears and sorrows. They can inspire us and help us to recognize the influences that touch all of us. JOURNALISM I wonder sometimes, if there are certain experiences that will forever elude words. To write is to strive to bring form to what is essentially formless and of the soul. Great writers can do this, and their stories help shape and influence the world, how we see it and how we think. Our perspective changes as we move through time. We see new things in ourselves and in others. I fear that my words will fail to capture the nuances of human thought and feeling. A tension exists between my desire to describe reality, and human character with all of our frailties, fears, misgivings, doubts and tests and at the same time explore the ideal, the great potential that I believe resides in every soul. I am constantly searing for the words to describe the relationship between the sublime and the earthly. The ways in which a Divine Presence guides, protects and loves us? I am a Baha’i and what I write is influenced by the Teachings of the Baha’i Faith. I don’t claim that my work is intended to be definitive, but I do view the world through the lens of a belief in God and the nobility of the human soul, and how our understanding of this shapes our identity and the world we have created and will continue to create.